A Sarah Kaye Moment
My mate Pete sent this TED video to me this morning and Jo and I watched it while eating breakfast. I have to say that I had one of the most amazing days today that I have had since I have been in Switzerland. It was spent volunteering at the asylum seeker's centre in Chrissier. I took a rugby league ball in and did league skill drills with soccer (football) mad kids that I used to do with my under 7's team 28 years ago and they loved it AND caught on really quick. After lunch we played tennis (two racquets and a tennis ball on bitumen) then this afternoon watched a movie in French called 'Despicable Me'.They loved the movie and so did I. After the movie they wanted to play Rugby League again. It's a small step I know but I can see a multinational Swiss team rolling up to a world cup sometime in the future.
Now about Sarah Kaye. If you have a sniff of a rainbow of creative instinct in your body you will love her. If not, you will be at least be inspired to give today your best shot.
"If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom, she's gonna call me Point B ... " began spoken word poet Sarah Kay, in a talk that inspired two standing ovations at TED2011. She tells the story of her metamorphosis -- from a wide-eyed teenager soaking in verse at New York's Bowery Poetry Club to a teacher connecting kids with the power of self-expression through Project V.O.I.C.E. -- and gives two breathtaking performances of "B" and "Hiroshima."
A performing poet since she was 14 years old, Sarah Kay is the founder of Project V.O.I.C.E, teaching poetry and self-expression at schools across the United States. And now she is all of 23.
Cut and paste this link to watch the video.
This is the words of inspiration that Sarah Kaye gave to me. Thank you Sarah wherever you might be at the moment.
Goodbye Mister Petty
Dear universal Mind,
If my life ever becomes petty
once more
for even a moment
please take it to the court of petty sessions
plead guilty on its behalf
and have it deported to a universe not yet created for the term of
its pettiness.
If I ever complain
about catching a lift
to the basement
to do the washing
on a Monday night
take away
all my clothes
and give them to someone
who enjoys
the shelter and warmth and colour
of cotton or denim or wool
when the seasons
are in a savage mood.
When I complain about the price
of Life just remind
me of how much I had
when I arrived on this planet
and ask me what exactly
have I done with it all.
And if I have one more moment
where I am not getting enough Love
just do that calculation for me where the Love
we harvest is only the interest
on the love that we spend
on others every day.
And if I get so petty
that I think that my pettiness
is a quality worth cultivating
and sharing with others
please open up my chest
and show me the magic in my heart
and forever let me be stimulated
by the beauty and joy
and amazing things that are going
on around me like smiles and gratitude
and kind words and laughter
and opportunities that are there for me
to encourage in others
the gift of greatness and remind
me of the Sarah Kaye moment
that I had while eating
Rice Bubbles in Lausanne
when I said goodbye to pettiness
- (c) Rob Swales
Thankyou for introducing me to Sarah Kay. That was so great, a very inspirational talk no matter what your craft in life is. I also really enjoyed your poetry. I felt like I understood how you felt.